What? No Fitness Tracker?

Today, just before my first pedaled out of the driveway, I paused to start my FtBit. But alas, it ran out of juice. Having already spent too much time preparing for this first- in-a-while ride, I decided to just go without it.

But I paused for a moment: Wait, no way to record my stats? Or know how far or how fast I went? No way to record it for eternity in social media?

Ironically, shortly before my ride, a friend of mine posted about a long hike with friends in the Smoky Mountains. The group divided into fast, medium, and slow hikers and he joined the slow hikers so he could photograph wildflowers. My first reaction was – what? Not the fast group to get some PRs in and calories out? But wow, his photos were stunning! A pink lady slipper about to bloom, trillium in different colors, and a number of others I doubt I would have seen had I been there with the fast hikers.

So, I decided to leave my angst about not having any stats in the driveway and just ride to ride. I remembered how I used to ride like this in college. It was exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. I felt strong and had a sense of achievement no matter my speed or distance. So freeing! Nothing to prove.

Today’s ride reminded me of my college rides. Free; with nothing to do but enjoy the ride. Free to explore and get lost in my town, to slow down for cardinals to cross my path, and stop to take photos of the redwoods downtown.

Sure, I do these things even if I have my fitness tracker on, as many others do. And I much prefer having the heart rate monitor over checking my pulse! But I think I will plan to have more ‘freedom from tracker’ activities to keep, not just my eyes, but my heart and soul open to the world around me.