How to have a Vital Vacation…when you are not leaving the office

Vacations are vital for promoting work-life balance, successful careers, and positive engagement with our work life. I was surprised to hear recently that many U.S. workers dread taking vacations, expecting to face a huge workload when they return. Let’s reduce the “dread” for both those taking the vacation as well as those who remain. I’ve discovered 5 ways you can help your colleagues – and yourself – enjoy a Vital Vacation this summer.

Five ways to help all in the office enjoy a Vital Vacation:

1. Choose to be happy to help. Not only does helping your colleague reduce their ‘dread’ of returning to work, it helps you be healthy as well. In 2016, researchers published The Neurobiology of Giving Versus Receiving, revealing the psychological and neurological benefits of helping others. So, try and be enthusiastically willing to help complete some tasks while your colleague is out. Unsure how? Ask them for a quick tutorial or a re-train. And be sure to add the new or newly honed skills to your resume!

2. Avoid emailing and remove them from the “cc” on a group reply. Instead, schedule time on their return to review key items and decisions. Create a folder of documents to share with them. If you must email, provide a dated action to help them prioritize tasks when they return. My director recently provided this respectful and practical support. It helped me return from vacation with less stress and greater productivity.

3. Create a coverage plan. Create dated task lists, identify locations of file paths and folders, and list contact people who can help solve unanticipated problems. Leaders, pair team members to cover for each other in advance. Specify the tasks and plan vacations when the coverage partner is available.

4. Decide to decide. Discuss with your colleague what types of decisions can be made in their absence and which ones they prefer to hold until their return.

5. Be authentic. Sometimes help that is offered isn’t the help we need. So, think about how you would like your return to the office after vacation to be this summer. How would you like others to help you when you go on vacation? This type of thinking may lead to creative strategies that provide helpful help.

Vacations are essential for personal and organizational health. Give these 5 ways to a Vital Vacation a try – and give your entire team a new way to be healthy and rejuvenated.

How will you help your colleague enjoy a Vital Vacation this year? Please share your ideas in the comment box below!