Be a yogi: ”Don’t Strain – Strengthen”

I’ve been aiming to do Sara Beth Yoga each morning and admittedly, I almost skipped it today. But I am so glad I didn’t because instructor Sara Beth used this phrase that struck me as a valuable component of work: “Don’t strain, strengthen”. What comes to mind when you hear this?

For me: ‘straining’ at work happens when I skip breaks, don’t ask for help, focus more on the to-do list than the “to-want” list, or spend too much time trying to find information to solve a problem.

‘Strengthening’ happens when I bundle my work tasks, ask for help, learn what works and what doesn’t to make improvements to my workflow, have solution-focused conversations, and carve out time to think of the big picture.

Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky, authors of Make Time and the Time Dorks blog, advise to begin your day thinking of your expected “highlight”. In other words, instead of only asking at the end of the day “What went really well?”, start the day asking, “What highlight or accomplishment would I like to achieve that will leave me feeling like something went really well today?” Then, decide to spend more time on processes and people that will get you there. Evaluate this approach at the end of the day and list a few options for improvement the next day. This is one way to strengthen, instead of just strain through the day.

I wish you a strength – filled day!

My cat Zoe loves yoga too

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